O2 – Framework for STEM-CPD according to CPD-Ambassador principle

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Framework for STEM-CPD according to CPD-Ambassador principle – O2


Main goal: Establish a framework for sustainable STEM-CPD at European universities



The framework for sustainable continuous professional development (CPD) in teaching and learning in higher education STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) introduces a new actor in professional development: the CPD Ambassadors. These ambassadors promote CPD, inspire, and support fellow lecturers in professional development in teaching and learning in a local educational context. The STEM-CPD framework is based on several theoretical models. The use of digital technology in teaching and learning has become indispensable. The framework is grounded in the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model (Mishra and Koehler, 2003), which describes the knowledge that lecturers need to acquire. It follows the concept of Constructive Alignment (Biggs and Tang, 2011), which ensures sound course design with active learning attitudes, and it uses the Community of Inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2012), which recommends cognitive, teaching, and social presence to achieve successful learning experiences. The development of CPD activities and learning materials proceeds through co-creation and is guided by the ADDIE course development methodology (ADDIE = analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation course development model).

This framework supports the STEM-CPD open online modules (microMOOCs) developed in O4 of the STEM-CPD@EUni project (Link: https://ectnmoocs.eu/) and the STEM-CPD Summer schools developed in O5 of the project. The framework is implemented in the STEM-CPD User cases (developed in O3 of the project) for use by the CPD Ambassadors and is intended for the academic teaching staff at both the Bachelor and Master levels. The STEM-CPD User cases can be found on Starfish, a knowledge sharing social platform (Link (https://starfish-education.eu/browse/?community=2&ftype=usercase).

STEM-CPD@EUni O2 intellectual outputs

Video Framework Sustainable continuous professional development in teaching and learning in higher education. The video is created by artificial intelligence. In this video, you will meet the avatar Rosie. Alternatively, you can watch the same video where the explanation is given by the avatar Tony.


 Brochure Framework for STEM-CPD,
Download PDFhttps://ectn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LeafletFramework-includingModels-February2022.pdf
 Leaflet Framework for STEM-CPD,
Download PDFhttps://ectn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LeafletFramework-Fold-February2022.pdf



Handbook for STEM-CPD Ambassadors

This handbook is a collaboration of two intellectual outputs of the project O2 Framework for STEM-CPD and O3 STEM-CPD Scenarios & User cases

Brouwer, N., Niemelä, (Eds.) (2023). Handbook for STEM-CPD Ambassadors, STEM-CPD@EUni, 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081802.

Download PDF: https://starfish-education.eu/media/uploads/2023/06/03/handbook-o2_o3_version1.pdf

Online Handbook for STEM-CPD Ambassadors includes explanation of the STEM-CPD framework. It presents the application of the framework for sustainable STEM-CPD in CPD User cases live when new CPD User cases are added.
The online handbook is available on Starfish, a knowledge sharing social platform at: https://starfish-education.eu/information/1393/ 

O2 Leaders: Stefania Grecea, Natasa Brouwer

Affiliation: University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.