O6 – Evaluation of STEM continuous professional development at EU Universities

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Evaluation of STEM continuous professional development at EU Universities – O6


Main goal: Evaluation of STEM continuous professional development at EU Universities


O6 is an Evaluation of actions undertaken in the STEM-CPD@EUni project. The output is designed to provide innovative tools and multidimensional assessment of several levels and is planned to be continuously realized from the very beginning of the project until its end. We will prepare the evaluation protocol with guidelines on how to collect data in/about the CPD activities in order to assure that the results will be comparable. The conclusions from the evaluation will be prepared twice during the project and immediately implemented to provide the highest possible quality of the performed actions.

Through the evaluation of the CPD activities we will collect data and perform analysis in order to create more understanding about STEM-CPD at university. To obtain this goal, series of evaluation tools will be developed and used at four levels of the project:

  1. Evaluation of the experiences/satisfaction of Summer School participants,
  2. Estimation of the learning success of the participants (eg. ability to design CPD activities in their local context),
  3. Estimation of the application of the gained knowledge by the CPD-Ambassadors in their local university practice (user cases),
  4. Estimation of the impact of the CPD-Ambassadors on the local teaching practice.

All Partners will be involved in collecting data and accepting the final versions of the evaluation products. This output will also effect in a common publication dedicated to proposed evaluation and its impact on the quality in both, the project and CPD actions at local universities.


The main objective of this output is to provide evidence for, the evidence based development of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of academic teachers, which overall will result in:

  • Effective high quality summer school that meets expectations of participants and different stakeholders,
  • Better understanding of the elements that are needed for effective STEM-CPD at a local university context,
  • Recommendations about STEM-CPD at the universities European wide.


  • The Evaluation Protocol is available at the link.
  • The Evaluation Reports are available here for 1st and 2nd Summer Schools.
  • The Evaluation Recommendations are here available.

O6 Leaders: Aleksandra Lis, Iwona Maciejowska

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland)


Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.