EU Project
EU Project STEM-CPD@EUni
The ECTN Working Group Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods has initiated an EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project (2020-2023) entitled : STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities (STEM-CPD @ EUni). The knowledge and developments in this European project will be used to set up the Eurolecturer Academy and will be implemented there. In particular, the Summer School for CPD-Ambassadors, which promotes the implementation of active learning approaches in universities and the recognition of lecturers’ bottom-up efforts in this regard.
Mission and goals of STEM-CPD @ EUni project
Fast development of science and technology knowledge is strongly connected to complex social quests. To cope with these developments and to assure sustainable quality of teaching and learning in higher education (HE) natural sciences courses (STEM courses, STEM means: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Education)), a STEM oriented lifelong continuous professional development (CPD) of lecturers in their local context is needed. The activities of the new project aim at integrating technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in teaching and developing approaches to use technology to teach concepts in a way that enhances student learning experiences.
During the three years of the STEM-CPD @ EUni project, two summer schools were organised for lecturers in STEM. Following the summer school these lecturers became CPD-Ambassadors. The activities of CPD-Ambassadors increase the quality of teaching at their faculties and beyond by knowledge sharing in the higher education STEM-CPD community. The activities developed by the CPD-Ambassadors embrace co-creation, peer-learning and knowledge sharing based on the principles of the community of inquiry. The CPD-Ambassadors generate a foundation to reach sustainability of continuous professional development of teaching staff in STEM education at universities.
- Jagiellonian University (Poland),
- European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTNA)
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Oulu (Finland),
- University of Naples Federico II (Italy),
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Position paper
Brouwer, N., Maciejowska, I., Lis, A., Machado, C., Grecea, S., Kärkkäinen, J., Niemelä, M., Kranjc, K., Podlipnik, Č., Prashar, S., Russo, V., Tarallo, O. (2020). The Need for STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities, VIRT&L-COMM.21.2020.2, Link: