


Publications WG Eurolecturer Academy

Publications, presentations and ECTN Reports


Brouwer, N., Fleerackers, G., Maciejowska, I., McDonnell, C., & Mocerino, M. (2022). The impact of a professional development MOOC on the teaching beliefs of University Science Laboratory Teachers. Chemistry Teacher International, 4(4), 355-376.

Position paper: Brouwer, N., Maciejowska, I., McDonnell, C., Niemelä, M. E., Pirok, B. W. J., Grecea, Ş., Femoni, C., Ortiz-Bustos, J., Byers, W., & Wasser, I. (2022). Creating a common ground for professional development of university chemistry (STEM) lecturers in Europe. Education Policy, Management and Quality, 14(1), 45–57.


Brouwer, N. (2022) Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning: Introducing the EurolecturerAcademy, ASIIN Global Conference 2022, Malta 18-19 October 2022. Download presentation

ECTN Reports

Report session ECTN GA Budapest 2022 Download report



Publications WG Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods

Publications, presentations 

  • Position paper: Brouwer, N., Fleerackers, G., Hrastelj Majcen, N., Maciejowska, I., McDonnell, C., Mocerino, M. (2016) Online course to improve university laboratory teaching practice, VIRT&L-COMM.10.2016.1, Abstract and download paper
  • Poster “Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice)”  presented at ECTN General Assembly in Prague April 20-22, 2018.
  • Brouwer, N., Byers, B., Fleerackers, G., Maciejowska, I., McDonnell, C., Mocerino, M. (2018) TEACHING IN UNIVERSITY SCIENCE LABORATORIES. DEVELOPING BEST PRACTICE” kurs on-line dla nauczycieli akademickich prowadzących zajęcia laboratoryjne (opis przypadku), Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej Nr 58, V Konferencja eTechnologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów eTEE’2018 Kraków, 19-20 kwietnia 2018 (Download paper in Polish language, Abstract in English)
  • Leaflet Online Course November 2018
  • Summary of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Coursera
  • McDonnell, C., Brouwer, N., Fleerackers, G., Maciejowska, I., Mocerino, M. (2019) Evaluation of an online course to enhance teaching practice in university science laboratory courses, pp. 67, 8th European Variety in University Chemistry Education, 17-19 July, Monash Prato Centre, Tuscany, Italy. Download Poster MOOC Prato
  • Brouwer, N., Fleerackers, G., Maciejowska, I., McDonnell, C., Mocerino, M. (2019) Developing a high quality Online Course for Chemistry Educators without a budget, Poster presentation, pp. 65, 8th European Variety in University Chemistry Education, 17-19 July, Monash Prato Centre, Tuscany, Italy. Download poster
  • Brouwer, N., Maciejowska, I., Lis, A., Machado, C., Grecea, S., Kärkkäinen, J., Niemelä, M., Kranjc, K., Podlipnik, Č., Prashar, S., Russo, V., Tarallo, O. (2020). The Need for STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities, VIRT&L-COMM. 21.2020.2, Link:

ECTN Reports

