Activities ELA
Activities WG Eurolecturer Academy (ELA)
Activities 2025
February – April
Three Webinars on the topic Methods for activating learning: teaching and learning by questioning. See more
May 29
CPD-Ambassadors symposium as pre-conference at the ECTN Annual meeting and GA 2024, Bologna, Italy
June 29 – July 1
“Teaching and Learning in STEM” Summer school (2.5 days): “Question-Driven Learning in STEM” Summer School, Krakow, Poland
September 15 – 19
5th STEM-CPD Summer School to become a CPD Ambassador, Toruń, Poland.
Activities 2024
4th STEM-CPD Summer School, Palermo, Italy
7-11 October 2024
Three Webinars: Digital technology in STEM practical courses
- Webinar 1
March 7, 2024, 9.30-10.30 (CET)
Richard de Boer (Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Charita Furumaya (LabBuddy, The Netherlands): Optimizing Practical Courses:
Design Challenges, Educational Theories, and E-Learning Strategies for Enhanced Student Skills – more information - Webinar 2
April 18, 2024, 9.30-10.30 (CEST)
Alexandra Yeung (School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Australia): Using Electronic Notebooks in teaching and research – more information - Webinar 3
May 23, 2024, 9.30-10.30 (CEST)
Bartosz Trzewik (Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland): Revitalizing Chemical Laboratories: Leveraging Remote Materials in a Post-Pandemic World – more information
Meeting April 4 2024, 14.00-17.00 (hybrid)
CPD-Ambassadors symposium as pre-conference at the ECTN Annual meeting and GA 2024, Vienna, Austria
This symposium was meant for all who already obtained their CPD-Ambassador certificate or consider to attend the 4th STEM-CPD Summer School. At this symposium, we discussed the implications of the CPD-Ambassadors’ approach for the quality of teaching and learning in higher education, as well as its impact on professional development in teaching and learning. Several CPD-Ambassadors who participated in our previous STEM-CPD Summer School shared their findings. Following this, three topics that have emerged within the CPD-Ambassadors’ community have been discussed in small groups, and conclusions were drawn collectively. This symposium was organised in a hybrid format. Download Programme
Meeting April 6 2024, 9.45-10.30
Working group Eurolecturer Academy Open Meeting at the ECTN Annual meeting 2024, Vienna, Austria
We shortly presented the ongoing activities and the impact of the STEM-CPD Summer schools thus far. This session was further dedicated to evaluation of what was done in previous steps and to set new steps in the development and activities of an international Eurolecturer Academy. Download Position paper. At the ECTN meeting 13 ECTN delegates committed to co-operate on these developments in the coming period!
Activities WG Eurolecturer Academy (ELA) 2023
Activity 3:
Create Scientific Committee of the Summer School
Activity 2:
3rd STEM-CPD Summer School for CPD-Ambassadors
15-20 October 2023.
Activity 1:
Session at ECTN Annual meeting and GA Amsterdam 2023
At the ECTN Annual Meeting and General Assembly from 13-15 April 2023 in Amsterdam, the Working Group Eurolecturer Academy has organized an open session on Friday, 14 April 2023 at 11.00-12.30. (See programme)
In this session we discussed why do we need a platform such as Eurolecturer Academy considering the following aspects. The panel discussion was led by Natasa Brouwer (UvA, Amsterdam) and Iwona Maciejowska (JU Krakow). Slides Introduction
Topic 1: Lucjan Chmielarz (JU Krakow)
How to bring together STEM lecturers to collaborate in the European / international context ?
Topic 2: Mariska Min-Leliveld (UvA Amsterdam)
How to improve recognition of competences of lecturers in European / Global context and support mobility of lecturers?
Topic 3: Vincenzo Russo (U Federico II, Naples)
What are possible professional development activities organized in international context?
Topic 4: Iring Wasser (ASIIN)
How to organize reliable and accredited certification of specific teaching and learning competences in an international context?