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  • 2023, June: Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, had the honour to host the Final Conference of this 3-year European Erasmus+ project aiming at improving pedagogical competences of high education lecturers in STEM disciplines according to the principle “teach the teacher”. Final Conference took place on the 2nd of June 2023 in a hybrid format. It was attended by 38 participants on site and 18 registered on-line participants. The programme started at 09:30 with the opening address by the Dean of Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Prof. Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn and was continued by 13 lectures (by the members of the project consortium, as well as by a selected few other participants), two of these were on-line lectures. The programme was complemented by 10 posters and a rich social programme (two coffee breaks with finger food as well as a pleasant informal evening meeting in a typical Slovenian restaurant). On the 3rd of June 2023 a TPM meeting took place at the Faculty, devoted to the analysis of the Final Conference, to the preparation of the final report, to the financial issues of the project and to the issues of its sustainability, as well as to the organization of the next summer school (to be held in Aveiro, Portugal, in autumn 2023). Book of abstracts of the Final Conference is available at: Information on the web page of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana is also available: (in Slovenian language). More pictures are located in the final conference webpage.

  • 2023, April: Final conference of our project was successfully advertised in the frame of ECTN Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2023 (Annual Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands) with the poster (see photo). More information about the final conference to be held on the 2nd of June 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, can be obtained at There is no registration fee, however registration is required for all wishing to attend the conference and is open until the 1st of May. Looking forward to your participation!
  • 2023, January: On Thursday 26th a Multiplier Event with the title “Pomen mikroMOOC tečajev, razvitih v okviru STEM-CPD@EUni projekta, za vseživljenjsko učenje pedagoškega kadra STEM fakultet” (= Importance of microMOOC courses, developed in the frame of STEM-CPD@EUni project, for continuous professional development of pedagogical personnel at STEM faculties) was organized at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Maribor, Slovenia, where Assist. Prof. Dr. Krištof Kranjc and Assist. Prof. Dr. Črtomir Podlipnik (both University of Ljubljana) presented two 45-minutes-lectures where the aims and outputs of our project were outlined with the special emphasis on the microMOOCs already developed, application of user cases and scenarios, as well as on the importance of the concept of CPD Ambassadors, that have been fostered during the Summer Schools. Additionally, participants from the University of Maribor were invited to attend the Final Conference in Ljubljana. After the lectures, an informal gathering and discussion followed. Help, support and collaboration of Assist. Prof. Dr. Janja Majer Kovačič and Assist. Prof. Dr. Brina Dojer (both University of Maribor) is highly acknowledged. More information about this Multiplier Event is available on: DOGODEK POMEN mikroMOOC TEČAJEV, RAZVITIH V OKVIRU STEM-CPD@EUni PROJEKTA, ZA VSEŽIVLJENJSKO UČENJE PEDAGOŠKEGA KADRA STEM FAKULTET | Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko ( (in Slovenian language).

  • 2023, January: Final Conference in Ljubljana (Slovenia) will be celebrated in June 2023. The programme and the registration form are available here.
  • 2022, November: Naples multiplier event was organized in the frame of the conference of the Industrial Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, on the 4th of November 2022. The report is available here.
  • 2022, October: the report of the 2nd STEM-CPD Summer School is available here.
  • 2022, September: Team from the University of Ljubljana has presented and promoted the aims of our project at the pedagogical conference SteamCoLab (Trajnosti naproti s soustvarjanjem na področju STEAM izobraževanja = Towards sustainability through co-creation in STEAM education) that was organized at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) on the 21st of September 2022. Krištof Kranjc has delivered a lecture in Slovenian language (in co-authorship with Črtomir Podlipnik) with the title “Uporaba mikroMOOC tečajev za vseživljenjsko učenje (CPD) pedagoškega kadra STEM fakultet” (= Use of microMOOC courses for continuous professional development of lecturers on STEM faculties). The targeted audience of the conference were elementary, secondary, and university students, teachers and other educational personnel, including those involved in higher education, as well as researchers interested in evidence-based instructional practices in STEAM. Book of abstracts is available on the following web page: To get more information on the conference, visit the web page:
  • 2022 September: 2nd SUMMER SCHOOL 2nd circular
  • 2022 June: 2nd SUMMER SCHOOL Programme
  • 2022 April: 2nd SUMMER SCHOOL Application form. Flyer of the School.
  • 2022, March: Format for the design of the STEM CPD Summer School
  • 2022, February: Team from Ljubljana University has organized an on-line meeting where aims, objectives and plans as well as future goals and pathways to reach them in the frame of STEM-CPD@EUni project were presented as two short lectures. The first one has provided an overview of the project and an introduction to what MOOCs are and why they are useful. Furthermore, our already prepared microMOOCs were introduced and discussed. The second lecture provided the background and technical aspects of various platforms used for hosting MOOCs as well as introduced our own platform based on open edX and available via  The news (in Slovenian language) on the home page of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (University of Ljubljana) is available here. The meeting designed to disseminate our results and promote the awarness of the importance of CPD activities for HE teachers was attended by approximately 25 participants from seven different faculties (all from the University of Ljubljana), including the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Prof. Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn, Vice Dean for Quality and External Cooperation Prof. Dr. Helena Prosen and Vice Dean for Undergraduate and Master’s Study Prof. Dr. Urška Lavrenčič Štangar.

  • 2022, February: 20 STEM lecturers from European universities (Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, and Spain) and 49 from Poland enrolled for the mMOOC “Communication between students and academics” organized by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków on the e-learning platform Krakus in January. More than 50% of them completed the course, having taken part in all activities: interactive presentations, fora, quizzes, readings, a peer-evaluation and other. Their were satisfied by the course what could be seen from their ‘take home’ message on the closing forum, e.g. “(I will ) try to use students’ perspective while preparing materials for them.”, “We need to be precise in our information provided to the students and not overload their working memory.”, “I really appreciate the forum of the course. I found many interesting examples of miscommunications, which I will keep in mind when preparing for the teaching”.It was the 2nd pilot edition of this course and this valuable feedback makes us sure that the course could be valuable for a wider community of STEM lecturers in European universities.

  • 2022, January: Team from the University of Ljubljana has successfully launched a new web page ( where MOOCs developed in the frame of STEM-CPD@EUni project will be collected and will enable their use. Web page is currently in the testing phase; however, as it is based on open edX it will be easily tailored and further optimized towards our applications.
  • 2021, December: Team from the University of Ljubljana has opened an internal on line form to suggest new ideas and starting points for the development of the second set of microMOOCs. Partners involved in STEM-CPD@EUni project are cordially invited to participate and provide as many examples as they can think of. Additionally, there is a space provided for discussions to facilitate further development towards microMOOCs.
  • 2021, October: Online template for the collection and online handbook for the description of STEM-CPD user cases were successfully launched. At the same time, first user case examples from the project participants were published in the online handbook. Template and user cases are available at:
  • 2021, October: 1st STEM-CPD Summer School short report available here.

  • 2021, September: David Titovšek, student at the Master Study programme “Chemical Education” (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana) has successfully defended his Thesis with the title: “Development of microMOOC about peer assessment for pedagogical development of higher education chemistry teachers” under the supervision of Krištof Kranjc. Chairperson of the evaluation board was Barbara Modec and member was Črtomir Podlipnik. This Thesis was partially developed in the frame of STEM-CPD@EUni project and is available at:
  • 2021, August: All partners involved in the STEM-CPD@EUni project are invited to participate in the test versions of the microMOOCs and provide their feedback. To facilitate the internal evaluation process, the team from the University of Ljubljana has prepared an on-line Excel questionnaire, where, among other aspects, the following are being checked in particular: (1) How interactive is the participation at the microMOOC? (2) How motivated are the participants to progress and finish the microMOOC? (3) How challenging is the contents of the microMOOC?(4) Is the time frame of the microMOOC appropriate?
  • 2021, July: 1st STEM-CPD Summer School. The application form and the flyer are available at the following page.
  • 2021, June: All partners involved in the STEM-CPD@EUni project have successfully prepared and launched the test versions of their first set of micro-MOOCs. These are the provisional titles: Bridging pre-knowledge gaps (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands); Communication with students (part 1) (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland); Better evaluation with students’ peer assessment (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia); How to design innovative on-line continuous self-evaluation tests (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain); How to elicit misconceptions (University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy); Continuous online assessment: Strategies for large classes (University of Oulu, Finland). The courses are currently available for internal use only.
  • 2021, April: Roadmap for STEM-CPD available at the following link.
  • 2021, March: After successful organization of the February on-line learning-teaching-training workshop, the Team from the University of Ljubljana prepared and published “Book of Abstracts” entitled “How to design a MOOC?”.  The e-publication was compiled and edited by Črtomir Podlipnik and Krištof Kranjc and additionally contains the evaluation of the event prepared by Natasa Brouwer. It is available free-of-charge at the following link.
  • 2021, February: An on-line learning-teaching-training workshop (LTT event) with the title “How to design a MOOC?” was successfully completed. It was organized by the team from the University of Ljubljana. Visit to learn more about the event. Albeit the pandemic situation forced us to meet on-line only, the general impressions of the lecturers and participants are overwhelmingly positive.
  • 2021, January: Intended learning outcomes of the on-line learning-teaching-training workshop (LTT event) with the title “How to design a MOOC?” are announced by the team from the University of Ljubljana (MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course). It is proposed that the participants upon the completion of the workshop will be able to: (a) describe the pedagogical features of the MOOCs and know how to avoid common pitfalls; (b) describe the principles of open publishing and issues connected to copy right and GDPR; (c) use H5P tool to create interactive video material that can be used in a MOOC; (d) define an appropriate topic for CPD to develop a microMOOC for it; (e) design a microMOOC for professional development of the university lecturers; (f) design a microMOOC that will offer an engaging and active learning approach.

  • 2020, October 3rd: ECTN General Assembly and the new one: ECTN General Assembly  11-12 September 2021 (link1, link2).






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