Publications and Dissemination

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List of publications

  1. N. Brouwer, I. Maciejowska, A. Lis, S. Grecea, J. Kärkkäinen, M. Niemelä, K. Kranjc, Č. Podlipnik, S. Prashar, V. Russo, O. Tarallo. Implementation status of the STEM-CPD@EUniErasmus plus project. VIRT&L-COMM 2022, 23. ISSN: 2279-8773. Link.
  2. N. Brouwer, I. Maciejowska, A. Lis, C. Machado, S. Grecea, J. Kärkkäinen, M. Niemelä, K. Kranjc, Č. Podlipnik, S. Prashar, V. Russo, O. Tarallo. The Need for STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities. VIRT&L-COMM 2020, 21. ISSN: 2279-8773. Link.
  3. O. Tarallo, V. Russo. STEM-CPD@Euni. Un progetto per lo sviluppo professionale continuo dei docenti delle discipline STEM nelle università europee. Chimica nella Scuola 2021, 3, 4-7.
  4. Maciejowska, K. Zięba,  B. Trzewik, N. Brouwer, S. Gracea, B. Pirok, J. Vreede, M. Niemela, J. Karkkainen, (2022). Rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli akademickich na wydziałach ścisłych, przyrodniczych, technicznych i inżynieryjnych: potrzeby i oczekiwania [in:] Dydaktyka akademicka – nowe konteksty, nowe doświadczenia. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,  203–217. Link. Download paper.
  5. Brouwer, N., Grecea, Ş., Kärkkäinen, J.,  Maciejowska, I.,  Niemalä, M., & Schreuders, L. (2022). Roadmap for Continuous Professional Development of STEM Lecturers. In I.Devetak (Ed.), University Chemistry Teaching in the 21. Century (pp. 85-111). University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, 2022, DOI:, Chapter available at:, Monograph available at:, DOI monograph
  6. Bartosz Trzewik, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Iwona Maciejowska, Przypadek Użytkownika (User case) jako narzedzie wspierające nauczyciela akademickiego (eng. User case as a tool supporting the academic teacher) [w:] Danuta Morańska, Piotr Oleśniewicz, Edukacja jutra. Nowe poszukiwania badawcze, Oficyna Wydawnica Humanitas, Sosnowiec 2023, p. 201-218 ISBN 978-83-66165-97-7 (link).
  7. Brouwer, Natasa, Niemelä, Matti, Maciejowska, Iwona, Grecea, Ştefania, Tarallo, Oreste and Russo, Vincenzo. (2024). “Ambassadors of professional development in teaching and learning in STEM higher education” Chemistry Teacher International, ; 6(3): 201–216
  8. Maciejowska, I., Lis, A., Woźniakiewicz, M., & Trzewik, B. (2024). Wsparcie rozwoju kompetencji kadry kształcącej wydziałów ścisłych, przyrodniczych i technicznych – ambasadorzy i szkoły letnie w projekcie STEM-CPD@EUni. (eng. Supporting the Development of Competencies of Academic Teaching Staff in Science, Natural Sciences, and Technical Faculties – Ambassadors and Summer Schools in the STEM-CPD@EUni Project). In:  I. Maciejowska & A. Sajdak-Burska (Eds.), W poszukiwaniu doskonałości dydaktycznej (pp. 79–92). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
  9. Trzewik, B., Woźniakiewicz, M., Maciejowska, I., & Lis, A. (2024). Wsparcie rozwoju kompetencji kadry kształcącej wydziałów ścisłych, przyrodniczych i technicznych – kursy MOOC jako rezultat projektu STEM-CPD@EUni. (eng. Supporting the Development of Competencies of Academic Teaching Staff in Science, Natural Sciences, and Technical Faculties – MOOC Courses as an Outcome of the STEM-CPD@EUni Project) In: I. Maciejowska & A. Sajdak-Burska (Eds.), W poszukiwaniu doskonałości dydaktycznej (pp. 93–104). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.



Reports & Outputs

  • Book of abstracts of the Final Conference (Ljubljana, June 2023) is available here.
  • Maribor multiplier event, info here.
  • Ljubljana multiplier event report available here.
  • Amsterdam multiplier event: report, programme.
  • Naples multiplier event report available here.
  • Lublin multiplier event report available here.
  • 2nd STEM-CPD Summer School flyer, 2nd circular, report, programme.
  • 1st STEM-CPD Summer School short report available here, programme.
  • Ljubljana-workshop final report available at the link.
  • Roadmap for STEM-CPD at the link.
  • The Evaluation Protocol is available at the link.
  • A template for design and development of a course in microMOOC format: pdf, MS Word
  • STEM-CPD framework: leaflet, brochure
  • Format for the design of the STEM CPD Summer School


Dissemination activities

  • ECTN Newsletter of August 2023 (link).
  • Final conference of our project was successfully advertised in the frame of ECTN Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2023 (Annual Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands) with the poster. More information about the final conference (2nd of June 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia) can be obtained at
  • During the 10th European Variety in University Chemistry Education 2023, which was organized by DivCEd EuChemS in Tartu (Estonia) on June 28 – June 30, 2023, representatives of JU Iwona Maciejowska, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Bartosz Trzewik on behalf of the project consortium presented 45 min. lecture entitled STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities. The presentation is available at:
  • During the conference entitled X Konferencja „e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów” which will take place in Krakow (Poland) on September 19 – September 20, 2023 (Centrum e-Learningu i Innowacyjnej Dydaktyki AGH), Iwona Maciejowska, Črtomir Podlipnik, Bartosz Trzewik, Michał Woźniakiewicz will present a poster entitled: Wykorzystanie kursów typu MOOC w doskonaleniu zawodowym nauczycieli akademickich. Platforma Zaproszenie do współpracy (eng. The use of MOOC courses in the professional development of academic teachers. platform. Invitation to cooperate)
  • The Summer School was presented as poster presentation by the Naples team in Bologna on the 3rd and 4th November 2022, in the occasion of FEDORA and IDENTITIES projects meeting.
  • During 64th Annual meeting of Polish Chemical Society (11-16.09.2022) POLISH SEMINAR “STEM CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN EU – DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION COMPETENCES OF CHEMISTRY LECTURERS”  has been organised. It  includes two workshops  based on mMOOC developed by JU team,  Bartosz Trzewik presentation “TWORZENIE I REALIZACJA MOOC DLA KADRY KIERUNKOW STEM – DOSWIADCZENIA I WNIOSKI PRAKTYCZNE” (Creation and implementation of MOOCs for STEM faculty – experiences and practical conclusions”)  and a poster entitled “STEM continuous professional development in EU – wyniki badań ​” (STEM continuous professional development in EU – research results).
  • Team from the University of Ljubljana has presented and promoted the aims of our project at the pedagogical conference SteamCoLab (Trajnosti naproti s soustvarjanjem na področju STEAM izobraževanja = Towards sustainability through co-creation in STEAM education) that was organized at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) on the 21st of September 2022. Book of abstracts is available on the following web page: To get more information on the conference, visit the web page:
  • Team from Ljubljana University has organized an on-line meeting (February 2022) where aims, objectives and plans as well as future goals in the frame of STEM-CPD@EUni project were presented as two short lectures. The news (in Slovenian language) on the home page of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (University of Ljubljana) is available here. The meeting was designed to disseminate our results and promote the awareness of the importance of CPD activities for HE teachers and was attended by approximately 25 participants from seven different faculties (all from the University of Ljubljana), including the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Prof. Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn, Vice Dean for Quality and External Cooperation Prof. Dr. Helena Prosen and Vice Dean for Undergraduate and Master’s Study Prof. Dr. Urška Lavrenčič Štangar.
  • Natasa Brouwer, on behalf of the IO1 core team, presented “Roadmap for continuous professional development of STEM lecturers” during 9TH EUROPEAN VARIETY IN UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY EDUCATION CONFERENCE, Ljubljana, Slovenia (7-9.07.2021). presentation available there: O1 Roadmap (
  • During 63th Annual meeting of Polish Chemical Society (13-17.09.2021) two presentations related to the project took place:
    • Bartosz Trzewik presented first JU mMOOC entitled “Communication between students and academics” in the work ” Jakość komunikacji ze studentami jako istotny warunek wysokiego poziomu nauczania na kierunkach STEM” (The quality of communication with students as an important condition for a high level of teaching in STEM)
    • Iwona Maciejowska and Aleksandra Lis talekd about the project and its survey in the work “Kompetencje dydaktyczne wykładowców chemii – projekt STEM-CPD@EUni” (Teaching competences of chemistry lecturers – the STEM-CPD @ EUnI project)
  • Katarzyna Zięba on behalf of JU nad IO1 project team presented “Rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli akademickich na wydziałach ścisłych, przyrodniczych, technicznych i inżynieryjnych: potrzeby i oczekiwania” (Professional development of academic teachers in science, science, technology and engineering departments: needs and expectations) in the framework of 4th Ars Docendi conference, Krakow, Poland (20-21.09.2021). Abstract (in Polish) available there: Program i materiały – Ars Docendi – Uniwersytet Jagielloński (
  • 2020.10.03 ECTN General Assembly.


Links to the local dissemination activities




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