O1 – Roadmap to set STEM continuous professional development at EU Universities
Roadmap to set STEM continuous professional development
at EU Universities – O1
Main goal: Provide guidelines for the local activities to meet the needs and expectations of STEM continuous professional development (STEM-CPD)
The Roadmap defined and prioritized output lecturer competences in STEM teaching and learning in higher education. It established criteria for the selection of topics relevant to the continuous professional development (CPD) in a local university context. The key criterion for the selection of topics for the CPD activities is the local needs of the academic teaching staff and the impact on the quality of education. In the STEM-CPD@EUni project, user cases were developed (O3 of the project) on the selected topics, providing appropriate CPD activities, including short open online modules (microMOOCs (O4 of the project), Link, https://ectnmoocs.eu/). The STEM-CPD user cases and their CPD scenarios are available on the Starfish knowledge sharing social platform: Link (https://starfish-education.eu/browse/?community=2&ftype=usercase).
The Roadmap was developed in three stages. In stage one, an in-depth stakeholder analysis was carried out at the five partner universities to assess the importance of teaching competences, teaching attitudes, and the effectiveness of CPD activities. In stage two, information was collected from EU universities. Based on the collected data, stage three of the Roadmap provided guidelines and recommendations for STEM-CPD in teaching and learning in higher education and for the certification of CPD-Ambassadors at the international level.
STEM-CPD@EUni O1 intellectual outputs
The main objective of this output is to draw the roadmap for STEM-CPD, resulting in:
Grecea, Ş., Brouwer, N., Niemelä, & M., Kärkkäinen, J., (Eds.) (2021). Roadmap for STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities Recommendations and Guidelines, STEM-CPD@EUni, 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081802. https://ectn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Roadmap-Recommendtions-and-Guidelines-O1-April2021.pdf |
Research paper Roadmap for Continuous Professional Development of STEM Lecturers: Brouwer, N., Grecea, Ş., Kärkkäinen, J. , Niemelä, Maciejowska, I., Niemalä, M., & Schreuders, L. (2022). Roadmap for Continuous Professional Development of STEM Lecturers. In I. Devetak (Ed.), University Chemistry Teaching in the 21. Century (pp. 85-111). University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Ljubljana, 2022. DOI: 10.26529/9789612532970. Download: https://zalozba.pef.uni-lj.si/index.php/zalozba/catalog/view/198/458/481-1
Presentation at the international conference 9th European Variety in University Chemistry Education 7 – 9 July 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (online)
O1 Leaders: Stefania Grecea, Natasa Brouwer
Affiliation: University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
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