ECTN is the owner of the brands: Eurobachelor®, Euromaster® and Eurolabel® . The labels are extremely flexible and open, so that they do not force universities to work according to a fixed pattern. The framework can be downloaded at the Documents page.
ECTN has developed a framework for a first cycle qualification in chemistry, called Chemistry Eurobachelor®. The framework was approved in October 2003 by the Assembly of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences EuChemS. Although it was designed for a 180-credits degree, Eurolabels can also be applied by institutions which decide to award a 240-credits first cycle degree. It can also cover degrees with a strong chemistry component such as biochemistry, biological chemistry, chemical biology or chemical technology BSc. “Non-traditional” universities (Hogeschool, Fachhochschule, Haute École, etc.) can also make use of the framework in their chemistry or chemistry-related first degrees.
Following the successful introduction of the Chemistry Eurobachelor®, ECTN has developed a framework for a second cycle qualification in chemistry, the Chemistry Euromaster®. This is designed for degrees with between 90 and 120 ECTS credits. It can also cover degrees with a strong chemistry component such as biochemistry, biological chemistry or chemical biology. “Non-traditional” universities (Hogeschool, Fachhochschule, Haute École, etc.) can also make use of the framework in their chemistry or chemistry-related second degrees. The Chemistry Euromaster® potfolio of ECTN has been supplemented with the Chemical Technology Euromaster® label.
After the successful Chemistry Eurobachelor®and Chemistry Euromaster® labels, ECTN has developed a framework for a third cycle qualification in chemistry, the Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel®. This is designed for degrees with around 90 ECTS credits. Usually it means 3-5 years long PhD studies including research, traditional courses and teaching elements.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.