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Chemistry Eurobachelor® Documents:

  1. Chemistry Eurobachelor® Guidelines
  2. Chemistry Eurobachelor® Documentation
  3. Chemistry Eurobachelor® Forms
  4. Chemistry Eurobachelor® Glossary
  5. Chemistry Eurobachelor® Logo


  1. PDF (286 Kb) 
  2. PDF (236 Kb) 
  3. DOC (460 Kb) 
  4. PDF (162 Kb) 
  5. GIF (111 Kb) 


  1. 12.2024 
  2. 12.2024 
  3. 12.2024 
  4. 12.2024 
  5. 06.2017 

Chemistry Euromaster® Documents:

  1. Chemistry and Chemical Technology Euromaster® Guidelines
  2. Chemistry Euromaster® Documentation
  3. Chemical Technology Euromaster® Documentation
  4. Chemistry and Chemical Technology Euromaster® Forms
  5. Euromaster® Logo


  1. PDF (287 Kb) 
  2. PDF (631 Kb) 
  3. PDF (107 Kb)
  4. DOC (417 Kb) 
  5. GIF (107 Kb) 


  1. 12.2024 
  2. 01.2015 
  3. 11.2016
  4. 12.2024 
  5. 06.2017 

Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel® Documents:

  1. Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel® Guidelines
  2. Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel® Documentation
  3. Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel® Forms
  4. Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel® Guidance
  5. Eurolabel® Logo


  1. PDF (299 Kb)   
  2. PDF (65 Kb) 
  3. DOC (385 Kb) 
  4. PDF (779 Kb) 
  5. GIF (135 Kb) 


  1. 12.2024 
  2. 01.2015 
  3. 12.2024 
  4. 02.2014 
  5. 06.2017 

Renewal Documents:

  1. Renewal Guidelines
  2. Student Mobility Database Form


  1. PDF (272 Kb)
  2. DOC (384 Kb)


  1. 12.2024
  2. 12.2024

Chemistry Eurolabel® Add-On Documents:

  1. Add-On Guidelines
  2. Student Mobility Database Form


  1. PDF (759 Kb)
  2. DOC (344 Kb)


  1. 12.2024
  2. 12.2024

General Documentation:

  1. TUNING Chemistry Subject Area Brochure
  2. ECTN Eurolabel Application Process
  3. ECTN Eurolabel Application Fees
  4. ECTS Grading Scale 2015
  5. Student Mobility Database Form
  6. ECTN Code of Conduct
  7. Responsibilities of Current LC Members
  8. Diploma Supplement
  9. The Diploma Supplement Explanatory Notes


  1. PDF (593 Kb)
  2. PDF (129Kb)
  3. PDF (197 Kb)
  4. PDF (189 Kb)
  5. DOC (341 Kb)
  6. PDF (156 Kb)
  7. PDF (129Kb)
  8. DOC (74 kb)
  9. PDF (894 kb)


  1. 2008
  2. 12.2024
  3. 12.2024
  4. 12.2024
  5. 12.2024
  6. 12.2024
  7. 12.2024
  8. 12.2024
  9. 2018


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.