Feb 9, 2021 | Featured post, News
It has been decided to change the dates originally chosen for the ECTN 2021 General Assembly.
The 2021 ECTN General Assembly (GA) will now take place on Saturday and Sunday, 11-12 September 2021, at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Perugia (Italy).
The exact address is:
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Dipartimento di Chimica, Bilogia e Biotechnologie
Via Elce di Sotto 8
06123 Perugia, Italy
(click here for the map)
All members are invited to attend and must register in advance. Online registration will be open soon, please follow the ECTN GA website.
For questions concerning the registration process, please contact: ectn_GA2021[at]protonmail.com
For questions about the ECTN GA agenda, please contact the General Secretary: anthony.smith[at]cpe.fr
If the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic prevent us from holding this meeting safely in Perugia, then an online meeting will be held on Saturday, 11th September 2021. A decision on this will be made in mid-June 2021, depending on the circumstances at that point in time.
Feb 9, 2021 | Featured post, News
The University of Ljubljana (ECTN member) is organising the 9th edition of the European Variety in University Chemistry Education conference from 7-9 July 2021, with a possibility of online participation.
This is a meeting of chemistry lecturers, which may be of interest to all ECTN members e.g., university teachers of organic, non-organic, computational chemistry, or technology.
Visit the Eurovariety 2021 conference website: http://www.eurovariety2021.si/
Call for abstracts is open until Sunday, 28 February 2021.
Dec 22, 2020 | Featured post, News
The European Chemistry Thematic Network Association is proud to announce that the new issue of the ECTN Newsletter is online!
You can read the December 2020 issue HERE!
In this issue, we highlight and promote all the activities of the ECTN in 2020. The contributions are written by several Administrative Council members, Work Group Leaders, Chairs of the Standing Committees, and the leaders of the STEM-CPD@EUni project.
We thank all of them, for their time and for their initiatives and activities in 2020, and we warmly invite everyone to enjoy the first edition of the relaunched ECTN Newsletter.