DISTINCT – Remote Laboratory Support Toolkit

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Main goal: Development and preparation of the Remote Laboratory Support Toolkit


On the basis of an assessment which methods can be used best to adapt in practical laboratory courses which involve hands-on experiments to the teaching conditions best practices will be collected, developed and highlighted as to provide a repertoire of building blocks that university teachers can use, adapt and integrate in their own teaching. Care will be taken to remain flexible in the offered solutions to the vastly different situations at European universities in terms of: laboratory equipment, IT equipment, possibility for remote access, staff availability and training and of course the severity of restrictions imposed by the measures against Covid-19.

The work package will address both management aspects to support live teaching and will cover alternative scenarios to laboratory-based practical teaching. The following aspects will be addressed:

  • Assessing the current laboratory situation with a view to measures and restrictions imposed by the pandemic
  • (Re-)Designing or modifying laboratory courses in order to comply with the restriction imposed by the current situation and with the intention to minimize risks of transmission of the disease.
  • Assessment of on-line alternatives to practical work in the laboratory: simulations
  • Assessing possibilities for remote group work
  • Grading of practical courses held in remote format
  • What good laboratory practices of Covid-19 pandemic time could be adapted to post-pandemic reality?


Leader Egon Rosenberg (egon.rosenberg@tuwien.ac.at)

Affiliation: Technical University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)



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