DISTINCT – Remote Lecturing Support Toolkit

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Main goal: Development and preparation of the Remote Lecturing Support Toolkit


The Remote Lecturing Support Toolkit will consist of detailed guidelines on hybrid teaching and learning (T&L) activities, which will be elaborated on a collection of best practices (from literature) and also be based on the direct experience of the project partners and their students, thus taking into account their feedbacks.

The guidelines will be divided into modules, each covering different aspects of the T&L process:

  1. Hardware equipment suitable for hybrid and/or remote lecturing and laboratory activities, in order to ensure the best possible hybrid and/or remote experience, including the possibility to stream or record laboratory experiments.
  2. IT tools for hybrid and/or remote lecturing, modelling courses and laboratory activities, including mobile applications.
  3. IT tools for remote assessment
  4. Tutoring for lecturers, students and technicians in order to gather the best possible experience from the available tools, also for modelling courses; On-line video instructions of didactics IT tools using for students and teachers.
  5. Remote assessment methods, which will be developed in close collaboration with TUWIEN on the aspects regarding the grading of practical courses held in remote format.
  6. Pedagogical materials for lecturers.
  7. Privacy-related aspects.

The guidelines will help the project partners all involved in the T&L process by giving an inclusive perspective of all the involved aspects, from the hardware equipment to the pedagogical side, passing through practical hints for lecturing and assessment in remote/hybrid situations. Privacy-related aspects will also be addressed and shared among the Project partners. The guidelines which will be produced within this Result will be disseminated among the project partners through written documents and presentations, with the aid of tutoring videos, ad hoc remote seminars and in presence training meetings. The guidelines will be certified by ECTN.


Leader: Cristina Femoni  (cristina.femoni@unibo.it)

Affiliation: University of Bologna, IT


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