Home » Working Groups » DISTINCT – CALENDAR

2021.11.01 – Project START!

2022.02.02 – Kick-Off Meeting (online)

2023.05.12-13 – Project management meeting 1 (Riga, Latvia)

On the days of May 11-13, 2023 the partners of the Erasmus+ project “Digital Support in Chemistry Teaching (DISTINCT)” met in Riga, Latvia for a project meeting to discuss the overall development of the project, the ongoing activities and future steps for achieving the set objectives. Participants from all partner organizations were present and collectively worked on the roadmap for achieving our future goals, aligning our steps towards the successful implementation of upcoming activities.” (link to photo gallery)

2023.06.19-22 – Learning/Teaching/Training Event 1 (Bologna, Italy) (link to photo gallery)



Project management meeting 2: Vilnius, Lithuania 02/2024

Learning/Teaching/Training Event 2 (Vienna, Austria) winter 2023/24

Final project meeting: Krakow, Poland JU, 09/2024

Five Multiplier Events in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Austria   2024



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