Main goal: Creation and development of the DISTINCT platform – a wiki-type database with open format.
Since March 2020 a rapid development of IT tools supporting remote lecturing has been observed. The DISTINCT Platform will be a repository of the examples of good practices developed all around the world not only during the COVID pandemic. To provide high efficiency and range it is prepared in English as well as in national languages of the DISTINCT partners and contains:
- examples of good practices in remote lecturing;
- methods for development of movie clips on laboratory experiments;
- interactive tools supporting remote classes;
- open source and commercial software supporting remote classes;
- methods for keeping the teaching process attractive to the students;
- safety measures on stationary laboratory meetings in crisis situations;
- business plans for setting up remote chemistry courses;
- methods of supporting students facing problems relating to teaching and learning on-line;
- possible use of the open hardware devices and open software to perform simple at home experiments, e.g. spectrophotometric measurements using a cam on a smartphone.
During creation of the platform a special attention has been paid on data safety and protection, development of self-learning modules and intercultural differences.
Leaders: Michał Woźniakiewicz (michal.wozniakiewicz@uj.edu.pl)
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland)
& Jāzeps Logins (jazeps.logins@lu.lv)
Affiliation: University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia)
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