An on-line LTT event from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 17th to 20th February 2021
The workshop with the title “How to design a MOOC?” was organized in the frame of the STEM-CPD@EUni project (2020-1-PL01-KA203-081802) and took place on-line from 17th to 20th February 2021. Albeit the event was initially planned to take place at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, due to COVID-19 restrictions it was organized online. The programme of the training event can be found at:
At the workshop, groups from the University of Amsterdam, Jagiellonian University from Kraków, University of Ljubljana, Rey Juan Carlos University from Madrid, University Federico II from Napoli, and University of Oulu participated, with on average 25 people attending each session. The programme was composed of four key-note lectures given by Prof. Dr. Paul Taylor (University of Leeds, UK), Prof. Dr. Marko Radovan (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Prof. Dr. Andrew Parsons (University of York, UK), and Prof. Dr. Barica Marentič Požarnik (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Additionally, there were oral presentations and hands-on sessions by Mitja V. Iskrić and Sanja Jedrinović (both University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Nadya Stels (iSpring Solutions). As the workshop was principally a learning and training event, a large amount of time was devoted to round table discussions and group work. At the end of the workshop, short presentations by each group regarding their progress in designing their own microMOOCs were given. From these presentations and responses of the participants (in the form of questionnaires) it was clear to see that everyone had gained a huge amount of new knowledge in the design and production of microMOOCs, as well as additional confirmation regarding the importance and efficacy of MOOCs in teaching STEM disciplines and beyond.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Črtomir Podlipnik and Assist. Prof. Dr. Krištof Kranjc
(Organizing Committee at the University of Ljubljana)
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