
The programme of the 5th STEM-CPD Summer School will start on Monday early evening, 15 September, 2025 with an introduction and an ice-breaking event. On the following days, the co-creation interactive sessions and discussions will start at 9.00 and continue until 18.00. Coffee breaks and lunch will be organized. On Thursday there will be a community-building excursion, which will conclude with the STEM-CPD Summer School social dinner. On Friday, 19 September, 2025, participants will present the products they have developed (their CPD-User cases).

The program of the 5th STEM-CPD Summer school will address different issues with different goals:

  • impart innovative active teaching methods for STEM university practice in order to inspire the CPD-Ambassadors to try them out in their local universities. Discussion sessions will be held about different pedagogies, their benefits and drawbacks based on educational research.
  • put into practice train-the-trainer methodologies and work in co-creation in order to empower the CPD-Ambassadors to be able to share TPACK (technological, pedagogical content knowledge) with their colleagues
  • develop strategies to organize continuous professional development (CPD) activities at local universities, tuned to the specific local situation.
  • reach out strategies to incentivize excellence in university STEM teaching such as evidence based course design using educational action research practice.

Core Staff of the 5th STEM-CPD Summer School

Natasa Brouwer
(University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Educator and researcher in STEM CPD, CPD-Ambassador
Iwona Maciejowska
(Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
Lecturer and researcher in Chemical education and CPD, CPD-Ambassador
Matti Niemelä
(University of Oulu, Finland)
Lecturer and researcher in Chemistry and STEM CPD, CPD-Ambassador
Brit Giesbertz
(University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Educator and academic developer, CPD-Ambassador


At the STEM-CPD summer school the participants will:

  • gain knowledge to empower their personal competence in teaching and learning in higher education in STEM
  • produce their own material to organize activities for continuous professional development in teaching and learning for lecturers at their home universities
  •  stay in contact with their summer school staff and peers and get (peer) feedback. In this way, the summer school peers will form a community of practice which will last beyond the summer school
  • by successful completion of all parts of the STEM-CPD Summer the participants are awarded CPD-Ambassador certificate