Chemistry and Society

Chemistry and Society



Coronavirus – European learning mobilities impact survey results

The European Commission ran two surveys to collect the views of mobility participants and higher education institutions.

The survey was run to better understand the way European Universities jointly address common challenges brought by the crisis but also to grasp the extent to which being part of a European University has contributed to alleviate such impact.

 You may find the main conclusions at


Substantia, an international Journal of the History of Chemistry.

Substantia is an  open  access,  peer-reviewed  article  published  by  Firenze  University Press

 You may find there many interesting articles:

– The special issue dedicated to the Covid19 emergency is available at the same link.

 – An interesting paper: The Strange case of professor Promezio: A cold case in the Chemistry Museum, published on September 11, 2020


Museum of Chemistry at the University of Genoa

On October 23, on the occasion of the Mole Day, has been inaugurated the Museum of Chemistry of the University of Genoa. The collection, set in the historical laboratories from the early 1900s, exhibits around 650 chemical equipment used in the Genoese University for research or for educational purposes. They date back to the second half of the 1800s, a period that, thanks to Stanislao Cannizzaro, present in Genoa from 1855 to 1861, gave a strong impetus to the modernization of structures and. the acquisition of new scientific instruments.

Vegetable oil collection

RICICLOLIO Project: Collection and recovery of used domestic cooking oil to obtain environmentally-friendly biofuel.

An innovative model of collaboration between public administration and private entities.  The collection was managed directly by private companies and public authorities have provided the areas for collection. The schools were also involved in a “competition” where the winner was the institution that collected the highest quantity of oil per student.