Activities ELA

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Activities WG Eurolecturer Academy (ELA)

Activity 3:
Create Scientific Committee of the Summer School

The Working Group is working on this now. 

Activity 2:
Set date 3rd Summer School STEM-CPD Ambassadors

The date of the 3rd Summer School is defined. Save the date: 15-20 October 2023.

Activity 1:
Session at ECTN Annual meeting and GA Amsterdam 2023

At the ECTN Annual Meeting and General Assembly from 13-15 April 2023 in Amsterdam, the Working Group Eurolecturer Academy will organize an open  session on Friday, 14 April at 11.00-12.30. (See programme)

In this session we discuss why do we need a platform such as Eurolecturer Academy considering the following aspects. The panel discussion is led by Natasa Brouwer (UvA, Amsterdam) and Iwona Maciejowska (JU Krakow). Slides Introduction

Topic 1: Lucjan Chmielarz (JU Krakow)
How to bring together STEM lecturers to collaborate in the European / international context ?

Topic 2: Mariska Min-Leliveld (UvA Amsterdam)
How to improve recognition of competences of lecturers in European / Global context and support mobility of lecturers?

Topic 3: Vincenzo Russo (U Federico II, Naples)
What are possible professional development activities organized in international context?

Topic 4: Iring Wasser (ASIIN)
How to organize reliable and accredited certification of specific teaching and learning competences in an international context?




Framework Eurolecturer Academy