ECTN-4 (2006-2009)

“Chemistry in the European Higher Education Area” project.

The fourth European Chemistry Thematic Network project ‘ECTN-4: Chemistry in the European Higher Education Area’ aims to bring together all actors in the chemistry sector to enhance the employability of chemistry graduates at all levels but particularly at the first cycle level; to enhance the professional/generic skills of doctoral level students; to report on and evaluate innovative teaching methods; to develop a European qualifications framework for the chemistry sector; to identify best practices in the creation of study programmes combining chemistry and chemical technology; to create an Internet–based test in biological chemistry; to develop links with other networks, for example through participation in the organisation of the archipelago of science and technical thematic networks and organising a joint summer school with a chemistry research network; to enhance the value of previous Leonardo and Socrates projects involving chemistry; to continue full participation as a core subject area in the Tuning project; and to enhance the public image of chemistry. The project is targeted at all actors in higher education in chemistry in Europe (students, teachers, the chemical industry and workers in that industry, and professional organisations).

The activities and outputs to achieve these objectives are:

  1. A study of the employment of chemistry first cycle degree holders, with conclusions drawn for chemical education policies.
  2. A report on best practices on employability enhancement in chemistry programmes at all levels.
  3. A website for university and industrial placement opportunities for chemists.
  4. Internet-based tests in biological chemistry.
  5. A report on innovative teaching of chemistry.
  6. The development of the website for improving the image of chemistry.
  7. The report on best practices in chemistry and chemical technology programmes.
  8. A series of summer schools for students and recently appointed university teachers.
  9. Participation in the organisation of the TechnoTN forums for the archipelago of science and engineering thematic networks.
  10. Student-led workshops leading to reports on the benefits of mobility in chemistry and on the benefits of chemistry to the public.
  11. The formation of a group of Leonardo and Socrates project coordinators of chemistry projects in order to enhance the dissemination and valorisation of the projects.
  12. The organisation of a conference to disseminate, evaluate, and valorise the ECTN4 project.
    Dresden Final ECTN 4 Conference: speakers’ contributions

SOCRATES PROGRAMME / ERASMUS 3 :Chemistry Thematic Network / 230393- CP -1-2006-1- FR – ERASMUS – TNPP