Chemical Engineering 3
Group Leader
Dr. Séverine Camy, ENSIACET Toulouse, FR ( )
This test has been designed to evaluate a level of competence in Chemical Engineering equivalent to that of a person who has completed the core chemistry syllabus at University.
You may answer the questions in any order during 60 minutes.
The test consists of 30 questions covering the topics given below. It starts with 15 questions at the introductory level, followed by 10 questions at the intermediate level and finally 5 questions at the advanced level of difficulty. Each of the domaines, at 3 grades of difficulty (Easy, Average, Difficult).
- TH – Physical Chemistry / Thermodynamics
- TP – Transport Phenomena
- PS – Process separations
- RE – Chemical Reaction Engineering
- PD – Plant Design (Including SHE – Safety, Health, Environment, Economics and Legislation)
- EM – Equipments / Materials
- PD – Process Dynamics, Control and Instrumentation
- CL – Chemical Engineering Laboratory