Sponsoring “Question-Driven Learning in STEM” Summer School

Please complete the SPONSORING form if you are interested in sponsoring the ECTN Teaching and Learning in STEM Summer Schools. We will reach you back as soon as possible.


Sponsor Packages

Networking Sponsoring

Event Sponsoring

CPD supporting organisations and friends

€ 200

€ 250 – 500

from € 500

  • 1/2 A5 Advertisement in the Programme booklet (full colour) and on the website
  • Logo in the programe booklet and on the website
  • Shout-out on LinkedIn
  • Sponsoring specific event or session
    1/2 A5 Advertisement in the Programme booklet (full colour) and on the website
  • Logo in the programe booklet and on the website
  • Shout-out on LinkedIn
  • Name organisation / partner on the list of support organisations and friends in the programme booklet and on the website
  • Logo on the website
  • Logo in the programme booklet and on the website