Workshop “How to design a MOOC?”
An on-line LTT event from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 17th to 20th February 2021 The workshop with the title "How to design a MOOC?" was organized in the frame of the STEM-CPD@EUni...
ECTN General Assembly 2021
It has been decided to change the dates originally chosen for the ECTN 2021 General Assembly. The 2021 ECTN General Assembly (GA) will now take place on Saturday and Sunday, 11-12 September 2021, at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and...
Eurovariety 2021
The University of Ljubljana (ECTN member) is organising the 9th edition of the European Variety in University Chemistry Education conference from 7-9 July 2021, with a possibility of online participation. This is a meeting of chemistry lecturers,...
ECTN Newsletter has been relaunched!
The European Chemistry Thematic Network Association is proud to announce that the new issue of the ECTN Newsletter is online! You can read the December 2020 issue HERE! In this issue, we highlight and promote all the activities of the ECTN in 2020....
Latest news on the ECTN General Assembly 2020
The 2020 ECTN General Assembly (GA) will take place on Saturday, 3rd October 2020 ONLINE, from 11:00-13:00 CEST. All members are invited to attend, but it is mandatory to register in advance. The registration is free and is done through the...
EU Project “STEM – Continuous Professional Development in European Universities”
STEM-CPD @ EUni The ECTN has become a partner in a new project entitled: STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities. The project was initiated by the ECTN Work Group on Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching...
ECTN General Assembly 2020 will be held online!
The ECTN General Assembly 2020 will be organised as a Zoom online meeting on Saturday, 3rd October 2020, from 11:00 - 13:00 CEST. Filling the online registration form is the only way to confirm your attendance at the ECTN General Assembly. The...
EChemTest® is the electronic Self Evaluation Session (SES) test service run by the ECTN Association ( through its Virtual Education Community (VEC) committee to evaluate Chemistry competences for: • Professional workers seeking career...
ECTN General Assembly 2020 – NEW DATES
The ECTN General Assembly 2020 will be held from 3rd to 4th October 2020 in Perugia, Italy, provided that the situation in Italy will allow it. Please note that you are therefore asked to keep these dates free, but not to make any travel or...
Postponement of the ECTN 2020 General Assembly
The ECTN Administrative Council have decided to postpone the ECTN 2020 General Assembly. Therefore, the meeting will no longer take place on 4 - 5 April 2020. This precautionary measure is taken in response to the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak....
ECTN General Assembly 2020
The ECTN General Assembly 2020 will be held from April 4 to April 5 2020 in Perugia, Italy, at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnologies (DCBB) and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DMI) of the University of...
New ECTN online course on ”Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice)”
The ECTN Work Group 'Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods' has developed an new online course entitled 'Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice)' The next session of this course is ready to start on...